They are flexible fellows and committed joiners. Squigz and fellow Squigz have one chief enterprise - creating things. Willingly, they assemble to become rockets, vehicles, a cushion for the cat, jewelry… they thrill in uniting as a ginormous octopus or squid. Squigz are scientific sorts - always up for playful experimentation and defying gravity - sticking to bathtubs, windows, school lockers, tabletops, and office desktops. (And they are mannerly guests too - never leaving a trace of their presence.)
Playful curiosity. It's a whole new gig - thanks to Squigz.
Squigz Deluxe Set includes: 6 Pips, 14 Doodles, 12 Grippities, 6 Yoinks, 4 Skooches, 4 Gobnobs, 2 Wonkities, 2 Zorbits
In this stage, they’re neither babies nor children. Familiarly known as “Terrible Twos”, this in-between stage can be frustrating for parents. Some children may not follow your instructions but they still depend on you for love and approval. Emotions are difficult for toddlers to control: they can be temperamental. Their moods can change within a short period of time. The best way to deal with them is to allow them to take adventure when appropriate but provide consistent guidelines for acceptable behaviors. Soon they will understand the differences between good and bad or right and wrong.
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