Standard Romina Finishes - alternative custom finishes are shown on the "Premium Custom" and "Artisan" finish tabs.
AP - Albero Puro - natural
BA - Bruno Antico
BR - Bruno Rosso
BS - Bianco Satinato
CA - Cappuccino
ES - Espresso
NC - Nocello
NV - Navy
OG - Oil Gray
RW - Rustic White
ST - Storm (oil navy)
SW - Solid White
VG - Vintage Gray
WG - Washed Gray
WW - Washed White
Premium Custom Romina Finishes - these finishes incur a 10% upcharge on all product on which they are used.
AG - Argento (silver)
GLD1G - 22K Gold Gilding
GLD2S - Silver Gilding
Standard Artisan Finishes - these finishes incur a 20% upcharge on all product on which they are used.
ADO - Argento D'oro
A03DE - Denim
A05SF - Silver Frost
Product shipping is calculated during checkout.
please contact store at 803-788-5880 if you have specific questions or concerns